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A software package for the development and application of grammars that are used for the analysis of words and sentences of natural languages. It is a language-independent system that offers a programming language for the modelling of the language-dependent grammatical information. This language is also called Malaga.

Malaga is based on the grammatical theory of the "Left Associative Grammar" (LAG), developed by Roland Hausser, professor for Computational Linguistics at University of Erlangen, Germany.

The library is available as 32-bit and 64-bit:

  • If you are compiling a 32-bit program, no special compiler options are needed.
  • If you are compiling a 64-bit program, you have to compile and link your application with "cc_r -q64" or "gcc -maix64".


Version: 7.12-1



Source RPM:

Package dependencies:

  • none

All versions:

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Page last modified on October 31, 2018, at 10:42 AM